

  1. Which Operating System Should You Choose
    This video tells about the difference of the most popular operating system for computer. He tells about the advantage and disadvantage on each operating system. This video helps me a lot to know what makes some operating system better at some point.
    This guy already have some great experience to make this video to learn about.

  2. Learn C Programming
    This article make my tutorial on c programming language became easier to do. The way they build the fundamentals concept was one of the best on that article.
    The interesting thing on this article was they provide the online compiler to do the tutorial, looks simple but great.

  3. Shell Scripting Crash Course - Beginner Level
    This video show the tutorial how to do bash scripting. He gave us the lessons with great approach method. For some people, bash scripting looks a little bit hard to learn but i think if we learn this with great fundamentals, that must be good to go.
    What makes this video is interestin is he did the tutorial on vscode, looks great

  4. What is virtual memory? – Gary explains
    This video tells about memory, focusing on virtual memory. He makes us easy to understanding the fundamentals of virtual memory.
    This video looks interesting because the way he visualize his lesson that makes us easier to understand.

  5. Logical and Physical Address in Operating System
    This article show the definition, differencies, and comparison between physical address and logical address.
    What makes this article interesting because they show the differencies so people know what will they use.

  6. Paging in Operating System
    This article wrote about fundamentals of paging, how they works, and show the example.
    What makes this article interesting because the way they wrote looks so easier to understand.

  7. Fork() in C Programming Language
    This article tells about how fork() method works, this article looks good as a visual.

  8. Concurrency in Operating System
    This article explain about the fundamentals of concurrency.
    what makes this article good is how they make simple but clear explained.

  9. Operating System: Threads and Concurrency
    This article explain about threads and concurrency as well.
    He explained through the article with clear implementation that makes me clearly understand, not all, but already looks great.

  10. Process Management (Processes and Threads)
    This video explain about threads and process in process management operating system.
    He explained with easy implementation so i can keep up with the lecture, simple but important.

  11. Process Synchronization
    This Video explain about synchronization so concise and detailed.
    They explained with implementation so i can understand so good

  12. Process Scheduling
    This video explain about scheduling in operating system.
    They explained this very well.

  13. Operating System - Process Scheduling
    This article tells about scheduling works.
    Very well and understandable explained.

  14. L-5.1: Memory Management and Degree of Multiprogramming | Operating System
    This video explain about storage management.
    very well and detailed explained.

  15. What is the Difference Between UEFI and Legacy?
    This article show the difference between uefi and legacy bios.
    looks simple but understandable so well that makes us easier to understand